Be Boujee Be True Be You
Be Boujee Be True Be You
#4: How To Survive & Thrive The First Decade Of Long-Term Love - The Dangers Of People Pleasing, Becoming The Light House & Changing The Mundane To Magic
Keeping a long-term relationship/marriage happily together throughout your twenties and into your thirties is not an easy thing to do (as so many of us know).
The majority of us spend a large part of our twenties just trying to figure out what it means to be an adult! We are continuously learning what traits and characteristics we like, what our values are and over all the kind of person we want to be and the vision we have for our future and often, by the time we approach the age of 30, that vision has changed, maybe more than once.
Clarice Harrison, (also known as Outzilla) is a Mindset & Meditation Coach who, during her twenties transformed herself from an anxious people pleaser, into a happy, calm and confident women all while maintaining her relationship of over 10 years.
Clarice shared how working on yourself and putting yourself first can create huge benefits for both your partner and your relationship.
How to create self trust and how that self trust will keep you calm, grounded and stop an over reaction, even in the most stressful of times throughout your relationship.
Finally, we discuss the issue of why so many relationships that began in the couple's late teens/early twenties end up breaking down by the time they reach the age of 30 and how we can not only make sure our relationships & marriages survive this time, but thrive and have the most loving, fulfilling and happy connection.
* @outzilla
* @charlottejonespresents
* outzilla.co.uk
Link to E-book mentioned in introduction:
* https://www.outzilla.co.uk/product-page/e-book-out-of-comfort-into-living